HomeEATThe restaurants you need to try this yearWant the lowdown on where to be eating locally? Here’s our pick of the best places to eat in 2022! 12 January 2022Share this story: MBe the first to commentShare this story: You may also like PreviousPROPERTYThinking of moving house? Here's what the Budget might mean for youTHIS MONTHRemember remember, what's happening in November. 60+ big bangers in Northants, Leics and Rutland this monthRESTAURANTS & BARSGet a room! Private dining spaces for festive feastsWHAT'S ONReady, set glow: twinkling Christmas events in Northants, Leics and RutlandLATEST NEWSSuperflash! All the latest from Northants, Leicestershire and RutlandGardeningLeave it be! Why not to put your garden to bed and other gardening tips for the winterWORKCareer clinic: get to know your rights at workARTS & CULTUREOh YES it is! It's your guide to all the best local pantosPROPERTYThinking of moving house? Here's what the Budget might mean for youTHIS MONTHRemember remember, what's happening in November. 60+ big bangers in Northants, Leics and Rutland this monthRESTAURANTS & BARSGet a room! Private dining spaces for festive feastsWHAT'S ONReady, set glow: twinkling Christmas events in Northants, Leics and RutlandLATEST NEWSSuperflash! All the latest from Northants, Leicestershire and RutlandGardeningLeave it be! Why not to put your garden to bed and other gardening tips for the winterWORKCareer clinic: get to know your rights at workARTS & CULTUREOh YES it is! It's your guide to all the best local pantosPROPERTYThinking of moving house? Here's what the Budget might mean for youTHIS MONTHRemember remember, what's happening in November. 60+ big bangers in Northants, Leics and Rutland this monthRESTAURANTS & BARSGet a room! Private dining spaces for festive feastsWHAT'S ONReady, set glow: twinkling Christmas events in Northants, Leics and Rutland Next